Brand Spankin' New BLOG!!

I will no longer be using this site for my Blogs. I now have a new blog located at

Please update your bookmarks/favorites!!


{Morning Bliss}

Well today started for me at 5:30 am to the sweet little coo's of my daughter waking for a bottle. So while I was sitting on my bed feeding her, I was watching the sun rise through my bedroom window and over heard a couple of cats scrappin' it out in the back alley {not nice} it sounded horrible.. anyways I got my little one back to sleep and then tried to do the same but by this time I was finding it to hard to get comfy again. I kept thinking about how beautiful this sunrise is and I just have to get a picture of it to show everyone. So I crept down the stairs to get the camera trying not to wake everyone else in the house. I came back up and then had to try to figure out how to take the screen out of the this time my husband is wondering what the heck I'm doing and probably thinking I'm crazy, regardless, I managed to do it. So here's a few pictures of the sunrise in Orangeville this morning.

And then this afternoon, right before 'melt down' in the Maxwell House, a knock came to the door. The knock was from a man with a beautiful bouquet of flowers (and NO, that man wasn't my husband ;) It was, however, from his company for the arrival of our new little girl.

First Blog!!

Well....Here I am, "bloggin and tweetin"!! I've learned a lot this week in between changing dirty diapers, feeding times and back-to-school shopping ...(oh and don't forget potty training!!) But it's worth EVERY minute and I wouldn't change a thing!

So, I decided to go out today on a hike and take some pictures. But plans got changed when it started to rain so I just stayed in town, took a few HDR shots and found an excuse to go buy some flowers for myself so I can practice my Macro. By the way, thanks to all who are following me on Twitter ( @MaxwellPhoto ) and became Fan's on my Facebook Page!

If you haven't been to my website yet ( ), please check it out and even leave me a comment and let me know what you think of it! I LOVE to hear your thoughts!

So to get on with things, here are a few pictures I took today. (Click on picture to view larger size image)